יום שלישי, 22 במאי 2012

Grippers and basic grip strength

I will start with Grip strength tab- different links,recommandations,my own opinion and experience.

There are many aspects to grip strength; the main three are:
Crash Grip,Pinch grip,and support grip.
First i am going to talk about Crash grip.
There are a lot of ways to develop crash grip: some say pullups are the best(John Breznk-Armwrestling Legend), some say wrist curls will do the job and some insist grippers are the way to go.
I personally believe every activity that involves grip strength- even if its light will improve grip strength by blood flow.
Well thats a huge topic to start with as there are many gripper companies in the world: some say Captains of crush are the best, others say beef builder, there is even a chart in gripboard . com that describes the best grippers and their aspects.
Here is a chart with different grippers quality:

I think i started too harshly with this topic so forgive my arrogance- let's start with the basic:
Well, basically because by develping strong grip you get stronger in other parts in your life.
If you are an athlete- and using your upper body in any way grip strength may help you become better then others- and we all know it's jungle out there and the rules of the survival of the fittest.
It doesn't require as much time as other sports,it fun and it helps you in every day activities such as gardening,weight lifting or just humiliating a guy in the pub with your grip.
How to:

the basic rule: close to the end. There are many rules in the professional world of grip strength: card close,2mm close.

I am going to post different videos,tips,sites,news and in the end my own opinion about grippers which you probably already know:
the art of manliness! -
Great site, found the article very amusing recommend reading this very much:

Great site for grip strength:

the first link is a basic guide to grip strength it describes how hard its to close the grippers:

Grip FaQ- intersting read, the site is okey i guess although it promotes its own stuff.

here are 2 guides for both begginers and intermediate people by Clay Edgin (first certified gripper king and master- yes there is such thing):
 Video of him ripping phonebook:

Lee Hayward(famous internet trainer for and by bodybuilders) has a lot of intresting articles, here is about his grip strength:

Here is another fellow blogger- nice blog and information he got there, its more for the advanced:

Interesting read:

John Brookfield is a famous grip world record holder:
Search him in youtube, the guy is crazy- tears deck of cards like its plastis.
He has very good book about grip strength:
 I highly recommend as well his dvd:Blueprint for Grip Strength
search in the net: <the name> then write warez,torrent,tube,rapid and any key names and i am sure you will find it although it is for the more advanced

Here is last guide i recommend by Paul Knight:
It is one of the most recommended guides in the world of grip strength so i highly suggest you take some of his tips.


If you take part in heavy training that involves your wrists,tendons,forearms: you can take one of the workouts i posted above.
If you are weight lifting,doing bodyweight workouts such as calisthenics or just masturbating a lot ;) then you need recovery time because inflammation is common.
If you are working with strength program such as Mark Ripptoe SS or Bill Star's 5*5 you can work your grip strength in the end of the workout (thougth i doubt you will after heavy deadlift).
If you are doing regular ABXAB routine you can train your grip in the end of B's workout - worked fine for me.
Anyway just dont overtrain yourself as its easy to do, start lightly and increase gradualy just like in everything else.
Work heavy because doing 100 reps isnt going to build you strong grip\arms.
Aim for low reps,full range of motion,explosive power,try different techniques.
Different stuff works for different people so try to understand whats best for you.
Going past the 10 sets is just overtraining,especially if you participate in other sports as well.
Next topic i am going to talk about forearm strength: body exercises that strenghten the tendons and your wrists.

Well Get a Gr1p:


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