יום שבת, 26 במאי 2012

Damn walking is hard

Well, i have delay with my plans regarding calisthenics, i will post them as soon as i have time.
Today walked about 22-24 km with 20 kg vest.
I weight 80 80.5, and with the vest+bag i had i weighted 105 kilo.
Pros: Burned hell a lot of calories guessing somewhere 1500-2000,experience.
Cons: Always buy good shoes- fucking shoes!!,

: thats how my legs feel now

Pros concerning walking with vest: you feel cool,burn a lot of calories
Cons: Burdens you too much,headache,high blood presure,can make breathing harder,trapezius work too much -total fatigue.

(Whatca starin at fool?8

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