יום חמישי, 24 במאי 2012

Calisthenics Routines

Who says you can't achieve perfect body using Calisthenics?
Old school weight lifters such as William Bankier(AKA Apollo or the Scottish Hercules),Frank Saldo and the world famous Eugen Sandow(who is considered by the way the father of bodybuilding) gained the perfect bodies of the pre-golden era-they are the ones who set the iron bug.
Calisthenics helps you develop strong body both in strength,flexibility,balance and explosive power. Some say that pushups are for pussies but there are extreme kind of pushups like Lalane Pushups(made by and named after him), or the famous planche pushups which target mainly your deltroits.

I have a lot of Calisthenics and bodyweight exercises information so i will post them in different times when i feel like it, i will try to cover books in this topic(You are your own gym,raising the bar,building the gymnastics body,test you physical fitness), motivation videos by famous Bar athletes like Hannibal,Al Kavaldo,And material by Barbarian and Calisthenics Kingz.

First i am going to post some basic routines and sites that can give you backround about bodyweight exercises.
Too much information to cover and too little knowledge about how to do it(but at least i am trying).

The first link is made by and for the army as you guessed by the picture: 
It is EXTREME pushup workout which is extremly tense if you are coach potato or new to pushups. It is recommend to do this routine no more then 2 3 weeks in a row, then you must take a brake to restore your nerve system. 
Basically its 200 pushups everyday, one day in minimum sets and the other day through the day: meaning you get no time to rest you put your body through hell but its going to pay if you want to increase you repititions.

The next link is in bodybuilding: it basically covers all the body weight exercises you can do without any equipment at all(in vocation for example).
It's nice to see if you can do all of them, such of them are stretching movements yet others can get you intense workout such as rocket squats.

The Next 3 routines are Internet-wise famous:
they are basically gradually increasing routines that get you to sick amount of repititions:
http://hundredpushups.com/index.html   - pushups routine up to 100 in 2 month maximum

http://www.twohundredsitups.com/index.html - sit ups, tryed it but i dont like situp for core so cant recommend it.
http://www.onefiftydips.com/index.html - assisted dips although you can do them like Branch Warren with iron on you :)

http://www.twohundredsquats.com/ - squats, great routine doing it right now great for endurance and explosive power.
http://twentypullups.com/ - pullups routine, great one if you want to have great pulse-raising muscle building routine.

The final routine made by the famous Lee Hayward, 100 dips and pullups:
Sweet routine,good for intermediate bar athletes.

Well sorry didnt have much time today, slept 5 hours 3 days in a row.
Tommorow after work i will post records in bodyweight exercises and calisthenics.

William Bankier famous wrestler and classic strongman


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