יום חמישי, 19 ביולי 2012

Whats new

Well. Lots of new stuff going on with me. 
Reefer diet and rap shiet. I did however achieve doing pullups with 30 kg on me took me only one and half month ( in the first day i was able to do 5 pullups
My usual working set started with weighted pullups: each workout i added +kg(started from 10 kg), and in the end i took 10 kg off and mastered the motion till the
My back day was usually like (12,8,6,6) weighted pullups till 30 kg then 4 sets of rows then deadlifts or extensions.
Its stupid i basically suceeded doing more then 25+ clean pullups or about 14/15 pull ups with 30 kg on me and did zero muscle ups.
I thought that if i do pullups with 30 kg on me(and i am 83 kg), i would get fricking strong to do muscle ups- i was wrong like everything in life in order to succee u gotta train for you goal. Anyway muscle up long behind now its endurance game

Anyway lot of explosive power it gave me- i even succeed 2 muscle ups in the beach (
thats when everybody was looking so karma worked well).
Read a lot of stuff about pullup world records- and i understood if Jason Armstrong can do it so do I.
I mean i dont have any personal motivator like he has (his dad), or coach or any shit at all just my will power.
Today did first workout swet like shit- 1 hour, each minute 6 pullups. Thats 360, i guess more 4000 to go :DDD
I fasted yesterday 27 hours- thats what probably affected my mood and strength.
Also overate cereal i bough 2 hour prior the workout: 150 gram cerial (thats like 600 calories), liter of milk(590 cals) and white cheese(250 gram about 250 cals).
So basically i felt like shit and i still succeeded doing 360 pullups.
I plan to raise the number 50 each time meaning more 50 pullups which is like 9 minutes each time.
When i will get to 4 hours workout of 6 pullups per minute: i will raise the number to 8 and will begin with 1 hour again.
Damn fucking low pullup bars. I am only 184\5 cm and its hard to do pullups.
Well i guess if i managed to pull myself with 30 kg on me when i weighted 83 kg with only minor training: then if i will take it to extreme maybe who knows i will break the world record.
Motivation low when children smile,laugh and fall or when jews smile and say dont overwork.
Duh. Reefer ova, real training begins. 2,3 day max pullup workout for 3 weeks then gym workout again do gain little mass then again- i think it will take my one good year to achieve 8 pullups per 4 hours- Thats like 1920 pullups in 4 hours, when the world record is (unofficialy is 4620 meaning only 3.2 pullups per minute.
Till then i say baby got back :)


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